Author: Christian Henry
The guys at DD-EFI have done it again! With their Pro Dash’s ability to work as an I/O Expansion on MS3Pro, MSPNP, and any other MS2 or MS3 based products. Check out this guest blog post they have put together below. Which turns into a bit of a technical guide to help you know how…
Read MoreGreg Banish, Calibrated Success Our gasoline (and ethanol flex fuel!) engines rely heavily upon their ignition system for proper operation. The process of making power begins with the spark inside the cylinder lighting off a chain reaction between fuel and air molecules that releases heat and increases cylinder pressure well beyond the normal compression work…
Read MoreHey folks, Jeff Linfert from Linfert Performance/Buras Motorsports here once again as a guest blogger. If you missed my first blog, we are a Megasquirt reseller, installer, and tuning shop in East Central Florida. Most of our customers road race, own Miatas or both but we will take on most anything. My partner Todd Buras…
Read MoreModernizing with a PNP DD-EFI Digital Dash for your Megasquirt ECU In most cases people decide to upgrade to a Megasquirt, MSPNP, or MS3Pro ECU due to either exceeding the capabilities or needing additional features that the stock system could not. The dash has the same issues, with all those inaccurate or broken stock clusters,…
Read MorePiDash by Pahls Performance is a RaspberryPi based digital dashboard display that runs TunerStudio. In additional to allowing you to customize your dash and gauges, you can also tune your engine straight from the dash using a keyboard and mouse, or in some models touchscreen capabilities. The PiDash requires minor wiring for a 12v power…
Read MoreWhat’s going on guys this is Frankie with DIYAutoTune and AMP EFI and today we’re going to go over another basic tech video. We’re going to go over tooth loggers, basically why we need them, how to record them, and basically how to read them on a basic level.
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