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MegaSquirt 3 MS3 Kit unassembled with MapDaddy 4-bar MAP Sensor upgrade- ready to build your own MS3 ECU!
MegaSquirt 3 MS3 Kit unassembled with MapDaddy 4-bar MAP Sensor upgrade- ready to build your own MS3 ECU!
MegaSquirt 3 MS3 Kit unassembled with MapDaddy 4-bar MAP Sensor upgrade- ready to build your own MS3 ECU!

MegaSquirt-3 PCB3.0 Kit with MapDaddy4 Upgrade

4.3333333333333 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings
(3 customer reviews)


Add the optional Q16 high current coil driver

Bosch BIP373 Coil Driver Mod Kit

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SKU: MS330-K_m4 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Brand:


Important Note:  Due to supply chain challenges and the lack of ability to have parts anodized at this time, we are transitioning to brushed silver enclosures.  We appreciate your understanding.  

MegaSquirt-III Engine Management System w/PCB3.0 – Unassembled Kit Part # MS330-K_m4

This  kit includes everything you will need to build your MegaSquirt-3. The genuine B&G partial kit with the V3.0 PCB, all components in the standard V3.0 Bill Of Materials, the case, the MegaSquirt-III daughter card, pre-machined endplates and heatsink bar, even the tube of heatsink compound and a bit of jumper wire is included. All you add is tools, solder, and time!

The MS3X Xpander board is sold separately and allows you to fully take advantage of the MegaSquirt-3, including 8cyl sequential injection, 8 ignition outputs allowing 8cyl coil on plug, nitrous control, and more. Only other thing you might need is a tuning cable if you don’t have one already. We have those available as well for a few bucks.

The BIP373 coil driver is sold separately and is only required for direct coil control. If you are using “smart” coils with internal or ignition modules or “dumb” coils with external ignition modules, you do not need any BIP373 drivers.  You only need BIP373 if you have a dumb coil and do not have an ignition module.  

MS330-K Kit Bill Of Materials (BOM) Includes:

  • All ‘Basic Components’
  • PWM Flyback Damping Circuit components
  • Hall Sensor/Coil(-) and VR Sensor Ignition Trigger Components
  • Current Limiting Circuit Components
  • MAP sensor has been upgraded from 2.5 bar to 4 bar plus barometric correction sensor
Legend for Kit Labels
Legend for Kit Labels

The MS3 daughter card on its own will give you all these features and more:

  • VE and ignition tables are now both 16 x 16
  • 0.1% steps on VE table, 0.1 degree steps on ignition table
  • Socket for an onboard SD card – no laptop required for data logging  (SD Card not included)
  • Built in USB port
  • GM stepper IAC control
  • Closed loop idle and mixture control
  • CANBus communications for interface with GPIO Board, IO Extender, or other devices
  • Staged injection
  • Native support for many different OEM trigger patterns

The MS3 also gives you a starting point for even more expansion. You will be able to connect the headers on this board to additional hardware, such as the MS3X board to enable features like these:

  • 8 channels sequential fuel control
  • 8 channel sequential ignition control
  • Individual fuel and spark trim for cylinder by cylinder tuning
  • 2 and 3 channel PWM IAC control
  • 2 stage nitrous controller
  • Table switching for multi-fuel engines
  • 2 step launch control
  • And more!

Complete MS3 documentation HERE.

Customer reviews

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3 reviews for MegaSquirt-3 PCB3.0 Kit with MapDaddy4 Upgrade

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What inputs and outputs are provided with this kit?

  • It includes the circuitry needed to connect to the following sensors and outputs:
    • Coolant temperature
    • Intake air temperature
    • 4 bar MAP sensor (onboard)
    • Barometric pressure sensor (onboard)
    • Oxygen sensor – narrow band or wideband with external controller
    • Throttle position sensor
    • On/off fast idle valve
    • Stepper fast idle valve
    • 2 injector output channels
    • Tach input – Hall effect, optical, or VR sensors supported
    • Single direct coil control spark output
    • Onboard data logging
  • Adding an MS3X expansion card will add sequential injection, eight logic level spark outputs, and more.

I’ve seen a mention of an MS3 Daughter Card. Do I need to order that separately?

  • No. The MS3 daughter card is included as part of this kit.

Does this kit include a MAP sensor?

  • Yes, there is a 4 bar MAP sensor included. It is a small circuit board in a static resistant bag and will not look like a conventional GM MAP sensor.

What firmware does it have?

  • The daughter card ships without firmware. You will load firmware during assembly.

Questions & Answers

    What is all needed for a 351w?
  1. 0 votes
    Q What is all needed for a 351w?
    Asked by Michael

    There are many different ways one could build a 351W, and many different possible MegaSquirt options. Please contact our technical support department if you want to go over your build in more detail. We'd be glad to get a recommendation together for your specific build.

  2. What else is needed with this to get my turbo ls running?
  3. 0 votes
    Q What else is needed with this to get my turbo ls running?
    Asked by Mike Gervais

    We recommend these accessories.

    $105.00 MS3Xpander: MS3X expansion card
    $59.00 JimStim-K: JimStim Stimulator kit
    $17.00 StimPower: JimStim power supply
    $79.00 MSHarness: 10' main board wiring harness
    $79.00 MS3X-Hrn: 10' MS3X wiring harness
    $22.25 IATwPiggy: Intake Air Temperature Sensor
    $9.00 38NPT-Bung_A: Aluminum bung for IAT sensor (Also available in stainless steel)
    $6.95 MS3TuneCable: USB communications cable for MS3

    The wideband oxygen sensor system is optional, but a very useful tuning tool. We carry the Innovate line.

    Wideband Options:

    $189.00 LC-2 without gauge (you can still view real-time AFR and datalog AFR through your laptop)
    $209.00 MTX-L digital gauge system
    $219.00 LC-2 with DB digital gauge (available in red, green, or blue)
    $259.00 LC-2 with G series analog gauge
    $349.00 LM-2 basic data logger with one sensor
    $479.00 LM-2 deluxe kit with one O2 sensor
    $669.00 LM-2 deluxe kit with two O2 sensors

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